
About Me

International Fluevog Day 2013
I live with my husband, son, and cat in the high desert of Southern California. I recently earned a humanities PhD and currently teach part-time.

I've had a slight addiction to Fluevog shoes since late 2010. Gorgeous and comfy at once, Fluevogs are what I call my gateway drug. Surprising myself with my bargain-hunting skills, I managed to start a mini-collection whose beauty, quality, and creativity far surpassed anything that was in my wardrobe. So what was a girl to do? Of course I found socks, tights, and dresses to match my gorgeous shoes!

This blog documents my obsessions, one outfit at a time. Unlike bigger cities, my desert town isn't an easy place to share my love for funky, artistic Fluevogs and vintage-style dresses ... but I do try. :-) Besides outfits and some truly-beautiful shoes, I also share my sewing projects, favorite recipes, and general craftsiness related to our home. Oh, and I may geek out from time to time. Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and read awhile!

My first pair of Fluevogs: burgundy Giulia from the Operetta "family"

xo, Gladys