
Monday, February 20, 2012

Project: Kitty Rug

Here's a preview of what I'm up to, craft-wise. This latch-hook cat has been waiting to be made for -- yikes! -- almost a decade now. My hubby started it, then it moved with us from Los Angeles to Illinois, from Illinois to No. California, from No. Cal back down to So. Cal, and then twice more since then (from apartment to house to current house). It's almost a miracle that it survived all those moves! Given how long we've had this kit, it's surprising how quickly I'm finishing it. In the last three or so days, I've completed the tail on up (the cat's head was already finished), and I expect to finish this week barring any major distractions. Anyway, when it's done, I'd like to turn it into a little rug. It's such a cute, silly print, and I think it would be perfect for the kiddo's room -- if our cat Stella doesn't claim for herself first. :-)

xo, Gladys

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