
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Summer Floral

I just realized that I sewed 8 garments in the last two weeks alone -- 6 pieces of clothing + 1 hat + 1 apron, and all but the last were reversible so almost double the work. Wow, I'm pooped. But I actually do have another couple of sewing projects planned out, besides the projects I'm going to make for 3 nephews and 2 nieces whose birthdays will all be in September (2 pairs of twins in there, that's why so many).

For this week, however, I'm going back to outfit posts! And maybe a recipe or two.

Dress: Miss Real via Amazon | Sandals: Worishofer via Amazon

Today I'm sharing one of my favorite dresses in my closet. It has such a fun, vibrant print that I totally enjoy looking at. It's made of 100% cotton, unlined, with a slightly-tailored / structured shape, and it's perfect for this ridiculously-HOT HOT HOT weather. It doesn't cling to my body in any way, which is a major plus when one is majorly perspiring. :-) I bought it last year and, sadly, have only worn it once. Besides the print, I love the pleats, the gentle hourglass shape, and the cap sleeves that sort of float around my shoulders ... but the dress itself is just a tad bit short for my comfort; I wear running shorts underneath just in case there's wind or, you know, an accidental tumble (you'd be surprised at how often this happens to me, even at my age!). Because of the flowers, I think it makes for a great shower outfit. Last year it was a wedding shower; this year it was a baby shower.

You can't really tell without a side photo (sorry I couldn't get a good one), but the waist falls straight from the bust so it's possible I look a bit pregnant from a certain angle (I assure you I'm not). I wore it with a skinny belt last time to emphasize my waist / dispel any rumors of pregnancy, which worked fine, but I really wanted a very free drape this time around.

Finally, if you'll notice, I found a pretty nice backdrop for the photos. I finally got tired of the indoor photos in my dining room. No more kids' toys in the background! Instead, those are Anaheim chilies and jalapeƱos, with a partial of a rose bush on the left. :-)

xo, Gladys

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