
Thursday, February 14, 2013


This might be the most eventful Valentine's Day I've ever had. But the biggest news is that I am a new auntie!! My older sister -- whose birthday happens to be TODAY -- had her second baby (boy) a couple of days ago, so our whole family is on a high right now. :-D

And in the spirit of sharing some love, this is the first year we made Valentines for my son's classmates. He was in a daycare last year, and I was totally "that parent" or "that mom" who didn't do anything special. In fact, I kind of forgot that it was Valentine's Day, so when I dropped him off and saw all the kids sitting down at their little tables with cupcakes in front of them, I was confused. Yup, that mom.

But this time, we printed out some cool Superman and Wonder Woman Lego Valentines and added a sucker for each of the kiddo's classmates. Look how cool they turned out!

I actually found this great idea (with the printable photos!) a year ago and managed to remember it in time. And since we got a color printer for Xmas, it was easy to crank these out. The hardest part? Getting my son to write the names of his classmates on the back of the photos. He's still shaky with the writing but also has a perfectionist personality; mix the two together and it can get a little ugly! However, it was worth it. I think these are awesome.

Speaking of which, here are more awesome Valentines. My mom gave my son some yummy See's chocolate in a heart-shaped box -- we demolished the chocolate pretty quickly. ;-) But I had to share this very cute Valentine box from my husband, who said he couldn't resist getting it for me since he knows how drawn I am to owls. And it is ADORABLE. I love how the owl's wings swing up to show the word "love" on its belly. And even better, the box is filled with yummy brownies and cookies from Mrs. Fields. (It's an item that's no longer available.)

Finally, these two cards came in the mail for us. The one on the left is actually from my son, who made it in school (yeah, I'm just going to ignore the typo there). Then his teacher had him drop it off in the mailbox after it was addressed and stamped. That was last Thursday. Needless to say, we got the card a few days early.

The one on the right is from my friend Dorothy of the MotleyFlue, who is a huge lover of Valentine's Day and offered to send a card to anyone who wanted it. I asked her to send one to my son, and I just love what she wrote. What a sweet, lovely message. Thank you, dear Dorothy!

Happy Valentine's Day to one and all!

xo, Gladys


  1. So awesome! I'm happy he enjoyed the Valentine's day card. I enjoyed making them. Ummmmmm, LOVE the owl shaped box. I kinda got a thing for owls. ;)

    1. Not sure why, but I've got a thing for owls too! YOU'RE awesome, Dorothy! Thanks for the extra smiles on Valentines. <3 <3


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