
Friday, April 5, 2013

Doctor Who Paraphernalia

Happy Friday! It's a silly, geeky post for today. I thought I'd share some of my fun new Doctor Who items in honor of the new episodes in Season 7, which started last Saturday. (I'm very excited about the new companion, Clara, and I can't wait until the episode with River Song, which is supposed to come this season. I'm hoping for some fireworks from that woman!) Anyway, I haven't gone this crazy over collecting paraphernalia since the height of my Harry Potter fangirling in my early twenties. *g* To my growing collection of Doctor Who tees (Teefury), fabric quarters (Spoonflower), TARDIS beach towel, sticky notes (both available at ThinkGeek), iPhone case, and license-plate frame courtesy of my older sister (Amazon), I have recently added these three gems:

River Song's blank journal, in which I must write my own spoilers (ThinkGeek | Amazon)

Journal #2: TARDIS Deluxe Journal (Amazon)

Bigger on the inside? It will be after I start writing in it.

A ridiculously-adorable and quite-unnecessary TARDIS mini-fridge that makes the whooshing sound when you open the door (exclusively at ThinkGeek)

It holds a six-pack -- four on the bottom and two on the rack, lying down. It can also be used to warm food instead. What's really neat about this is that you can bring it on car trips, and it plugs into the cigarette lighter. #WIN

xo, Gladys

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